Peter’s Pharisaical Petition

A follower of mine on twitter, , informed me that Peter Dutton (), Member for Dickson, has started demanding Brendale and Strathpine receive the NBN as soon as possible. This is at odds with a post on his own website denouncing the NBN. In the post, no doubt drafted by Malcolm Turnbull (), Turnbull is quoted as saying…

Getting To The BOTtom Of It All

Recently there have been accusations Greg Hunt () & other Liberal Party MPs have been utilising small spam bot armies to game twitters ranking & trending system for their own benefit. I too jumped on that bandwagon, incorrectly tweeting that there were “damning revelations” that Hunt was buying followers & retweets. For this, I do…

Update: Timestamps & Press Releases

It’s been over a month since I’ve updated my stories on Abbott’s press release regarding James Ashby’s case against Peter Slipper (post 1, post 2) , so I thought I’d give an update on some new information that has come to hand. Vince O’Grady, another Independent Australia contributor, pointed me to an article on the…

An Open Letter To Malcolm Turnbull

Dear Mr Turnbull, I write this letter out of frustration & disappointment in your current discourse regarding the state & future of Australian telecommunications. I have been working in IT for almost 20 years & have been supportive of any positive change to Australia’s ailing copper network. Over the past few years you have done…