
The Right Kind Of Competition

It’s rather amusing to watch the current government twist and turn on the TPG FTTB/Optus FTTB problem. For the last few months there’s been hints at an overhaul of the legislation governing competing rollouts. This goes against everything Turnbull has said since the NBN was conceived: the free market can do it better. Unfortunately when…

March in March, Melbourne

The Story That Wasn’t Told

I didn’t think I was going to write a piece on March in March, being a speaker and seeing that other people had done a great job (not the media themselves, but s) already. However, after reading Jacqueline Maley’s article, “March in March: Two sides to the story we didn’t run” I’m moved to correct…

Switkowski’s Dubious Claim

Meet Ziggy Switkowski: nuclear physicist, ex-Telstra CEO, liberator of bits! Well, that’s the image that the Liberal party would love us to have, unfortunately, as an ex-Telstra employee, I can’t say I feel the same. I worked there during his reign and saw some of the poorest decisions made, all in the name of a…

How Do We Know She’s A Witch

We have found a witch! (A witch! a witch!) Burn her burn her! Witch hunts, they’re fun, and really, Monty Python did it best with their “Witch Scene” from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. When I was doing philosophy many moons ago, it was something we studied. Why? Well, it teaches us about logic, rational…

E-Cigarettes: My Experience

It’s been two weeks today since I had my last cigarette. I had been smoking for about 20 years, and been trying to give up over the last 10 of them. I’ve had success previously, but always ended up smoking again within 12 months. My fiancée suggested I try e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking,…

What Comes Down Must Go Up

Over the years, I’ve only really touched on upload speeds with the National Broadband Network a few times, not because I have nothing to say on the subject, but because it’s so damn hard to explain the value to general users. It’s easy enough to understand slow download speeds; a movie buffers (oh the RealPlayer…