Only Gamers & Geeks

Over the past week I’ve seen a rise in the use of the old “geeks & gamers” argument for not investing in a National Broadband Network. It’s one of those tired platitudes first put forward by Abbott many years ago, & somehow it has been given a fresh breath of life by conservatives Australia over.…

A Week Of Odd Claims

This week was a strange one for the NBN, not that people noticed with the rapidly escalating clusterfuck that is Australia-Indonesia diplomatic relations. Cheers Tony! If you didn’t realise,  the Reboot The NBN event was on. Yeh, like downgrading from fibre to copper is “rebooting”. Name aside, this seemed to rapidly descend into farce with…

Mobile Providers Still Don’t Get It

Recently Vodafone CEO, Bill Morrow, made some fairly strong demands of the NBN to aid mobile operators after a McKell Institute report (Superfast Broadband: The future is in your hands) suggested allowing mobile operator access to NBN fixed wireless base stations. Firstly, I’ll address the report. While quite passionate, the report didn’t really cover technological limitations,…

Welcome To Boganville

A crack was made by Sgt. Schultz in Chief, Julie Bishop, during the previous parliament, aimed squarely at the overt disdain Kevin Rudd had for, PM at the time, Julia Gillard. “Will the foreign minister advise the House when he intends to return to Bogan-ville?” What a clever play on the name of an autonomous…

The Clock Is Ticking

Before the September 7th election, Malcolm Turnbull was full of arrogance about his perceived “superior” position on broadband. He assured techies, patronisingly, that his copper based network would be up to scratch, & that any criticism was just from “zealots” & “ALP supporters”. In the land of Turnbull, he was loved by all & only…

What Business Case?

In my usual Saturday morning ritual, I donned my dressing gown, sat down at my desk with a coffee in hand, & read the morning’s news & tweets. A shooting at LAX, some fundamentalist Christian homophobic rant from a footballer (quelle surprise!), & more news on the ALP’s internal struggle with carbon pricing. Not exactly…

The PM Doesn’t Know His Own Policy

Yesterday Prime Minister Tony Abbott held a joint doorstop interview with Bruce Billson MP to discuss various matters from carbon pricing to asylum seekers. The last question asked was to the point & directly challenged the PM regarding the removal of planned works from NBN Co’s website. What ensued was dripping with misinformation, hypocrisy, & an…