When A Rollout Goes Missing

Like an alien abduction, NBN Co’s site has mysteriously lost all future plans for the rollout on the “When do I get it?” map. Gone are the claims of “continuing the rollout until reviews are complete”, & being “technology agnostic”, the days of corporate back slapping & secrecy are upon us. With the news that…

Doing Things Wrong The Right Way

For years I have argued that FTTP is the right way to do a National Broadband Network, so I thought I’d write an article on how to do things wrong the right way. With comms, it’s easy to get things wrong, even with the best intentions. Ambition is the main driver behind getting things wrong,…

Thugs & Bullies

My fiancée & I have a ritual. It started a number of years ago & is only broken by holidays & the like. Every Sunday morning we rise before 9am, make some coffee & head to the couch with our tablet devices at the ready. Turning to ABC we settle in for the love-hate relationship…

Why I Don’t Support Offshore Processing

For a long time I’ve wanted to put my figurative pen to paper & explain my views on refugees, but have been hesitant due to the enormous backlash one receives when decrying offshore processing from either party. Instead of explaining the unethical nature of offshore processing, I thought I’d explain what caused me to reach…

Conflict Of Interest & Substandard Deployments

Conflicting Mates With recent news that Malcolm Turnbull has appointed his old chum JB Rousselot, ex-Telstra AND ex-Ozemail executive, to head up the strategic review, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that conflicts of interest are being ignored by Turnbull. If this was done in the corporate world there’d be ACCC investigations & the like, but unfortunately, the…

It’s Not A Policy Problem

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has painted himself as a man of the people, a strong, vigorous individual that is willing to stand up & fight for what’s right. Well, at least that’s the image. With his elevation to PM, Abbott has spent the past few months hiding from media scrutiny, & downplaying wholesale rorting of…

There Is No Debate

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’ – Isaac Asimov Over the past decade we’ve seen scientific & social debates derailed by anti-intellectuals & denialists. From climate change to…