The Plan Tells All

With Turnbull’s press conference yesterday, & NBN Co’s corporate plan being leaked yesterday, it’s clear that there’s a lot being hidden by the incoming government about the fate of the NBN & how it stacks up against their own plans.

No Confidence or No Clue

With the resignation of the NBN Co board en masse landing squarely at the feet of Malcolm Turnbull, there’s an air of disarray in the new government’s communications portfolio. Having assumed the role of Minister for Communications just days ago, Turnbull has been swift to exact revenge on the NBN Co board for what he…

We Forget Why DBCDE Chose FTTP

One part of the debate on what technology to use for the National Broadband Network is rather lacking: reliability. We can talk about speeds, capabilities, & costs all we want, but without addressing this basic problem with the current network, we’re headed for certain disaster. Back in 2000, Australia was at a point where the…

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Mal

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. This, in turn, means that our statesmen, our businessmen, our everyman must take on…

Last Minute Filter Of Facts

I said I wouldn’t be writing another article prior to the election; however with the recent announcement of the Coalition’s “Policy to Enhance Online Safety for Children“, I felt the need to write. Buried deep in the pages are a few alarming revelations, first & foremost being the Internet filter, which the LNP have backed…

Last Drinks

I’ll say this is my last drink of the NBN fountain before the election. We have only days left, & the Coalition have relegated the National Broadband Network to a non-core promise, as exemplified by dropping it from all LNP literature. Over the past week there have been some ridiculous claims floating around from the…