The Worst Decision In Gaming Console History

With the recent announcements of new consoles from both Sony & Microsoft, I’ve had some time to think about what this means for me. Both are offering powerful units, not quite on par with PCs, but much better than the current generation. Both offer similar features in so far as components (video card/CPU), so there’s…

Why I See Bandwidth As Important

Today I was presented with a problem by a twitter follower: Is broadband a commercial term or generic? Interesting question for me, but not for some. I did my best to answer the question in a simple yet technical way. Sufficed to say, an uproar started, I mean, this is twitter, & I withdrew from…

Some Things Never Change

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matthew 12:36-37 I thought I’d start off with a quote from Tony Abbott’s favourite book, or…

FTTH Co-Funding; Or How To Create Digital Ghettos

With the recent announcement that the Coalition won’t be touching the last 500m of the copper network, this article may be moot, however closer inspection of the Coalition’s co-funding model for FTTH is needed. Hidden within the Liberal party’s broadband policy is a little gem called “co-funded fibre”. On the face of it, this seems…

A Perfect Distraction

Recent reports of asbestos being mishandled by contractors doing remediation work for Telstra has become the distraction-du-jour for our ever (un)vigilant media. With both journalists & the Coalition attempting to use asbestos as a political wedge, the disingenuity of the outrage from Abbott is there for all to see. The basic fact is: asbestos was used a…

A Geek Is A Badge Of Honour Now, Is It?

Just a bit of a gloat post, I was mentioned last Friday (30/05/13) in Senate Estimates by Senator Conroy. Quite chuffed that I’ve been mentioned in parliament. I do like Senator Cameron’s (Chair) comment in there. Yes Doug, being a geek is a badge of honour!