Turnbull Refuses To Answer Basic Policy Questions

Two weeks ago I emailed Malcolm Turnbull to get details on the Coalition’s broadband policy & have yet to hear back. Due to his inability to answer the questions within an acceptable timeframe I am now force to publish the letter with no reply. It’s a sad day when even the basics of a policy…

Malcolm Turnbull Deceiving Rural Voters

Over the past week Malcolm Turnbull has made some very misleading, to the point of deliberate deception, statements on both the cost of connecting to the NBN & the rollout footprint of the Coalition’s FTTN plan. Both statements were designed to cast doubt on the viability of FTTH without any evidence to support this. Firstly,…

Simplistic Arguments Reign Supreme

In my dealings with technology over the years, one thing I’ve noticed is that the simpler an argument is made for a specific technology, the easier it is to make a wrong decision in acquiring said technology. There is no greater sin among geeks & techies than to ignore the finer detail of an argument,…

It’s All About The dB/km’s

Of recent days it has become increasingly apparent even to the layman that Malcolm Turnbull’s broadband policy is a dud. There are no redeeming features (it’s not cheap, it won’t be deployed faster, & the cost/benefit of the policy is hard to see in a positive light) & Turnbull is refusing to answer deeply technical…

Why You’ll Never Get Vectoring

Just prior to the Coalition’s launch of their broadband policy, Malcolm Turnbull started spruiking VDSL2 with vectoring as a rebuttal to NBN Co’s immediately obvious superiority. For months Turnbull has been allowed to get away with telling half truths & bald faced lies about vectoring, painting it as a magic bullet to solve every failure…

You Want To Talk About Misleading?

After the runaway success of James Brotchie’s () NBN comparison page, http://howfastisthenbn.com.au/, Malcolm Turnbull has shown again that he is uncomfortable with the facts & will do anything to muddy the waters in the running debate over the NBN. As usual, the complaints from Turnbull were nothing more than bile being spewed at someone who is attempting…