Copper In Australia Is Not The Answer

Much of my time interacting with people about the National Broadband Network is taken up talking about the technological differences between VDSL2 (Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line ITU G.993.2) & GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network ITU G.984), the discussions are interesting & always keep me on my toes about the technology planned for Australia’s biggest infrastructure…

Fraudband Reality Roundup

This is the final in my series on the Coalition’s NBN policy. It has been a week now since Malcolm Turnbull & Tony Abbott took to the stage at Fox Studios to announce the Coalition’s alternative to the National Broadband Network. The fallout has been damaging to both Turnbull & Abbott, with damage control mode…

Not All Technology Is Equal

This is the second article in my ongoing analysis of the Coalition’s broadband policy. There’s one saying that’s always rung true since I started in ICT (Information & Communication Technology), it was always said half in jest, half as a dire warning for anyone thinking of going it cheap: Do it once, do it with…

On the Hunt for Policy Details

Recently I emailed Malcolm Turnbull’s office to get further details on his fabled policy. I have to resort to this after Turnbull blocked me on Twitter due to me being, I quote, an “anonymous troll”. blocking is ignoring. Which is what anonymous trolls deserve. If he wants to be taken seriously he can identify…